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How to participate in Ristic Innovations incentives Program during the unofficial launch

The Ristic Ecosystem is carefully designed to bring to the web 3 a targeted number of Web2 users, the Ristic Unified Shared Allocation System - (USAS) is carefully designed to bridge a total number of 250 Million Web 2 users to the WEb 3 and blochchain based applications.

The onboarding process of Novatores (Ecosystem community name) is designed to reward the inviter with RIS currency, the unofficial launch is designed to invite others to the RIC Server on the Discord Chat App with your personal invite link. To generate your invite link in the RIC Server, kindly read through (Get personal invite link).

The Official launch will follow the release of the primary community application, housing all the ecosystem frameworks and Applications and dedicated dashboard to every Novatores where all activities in the eocystem could be easily track.

As an ecosystem well designed to reward early community builders who build their community circle in the early intro of the Ristic Ecosystem, a Special Incentive Reward is carefully designed for the first 11,111 Novatores to build their community circle to a targeted NEMs (name for new ecosystem members).

The Special Reward system is categorized into 5 different stages.


Reward One is designed to reward the first Novatore to build their community circle to 1000 NEMs. The first ecosystem member to hit 1000 NEMs in community circle will get rewarded with a cache sum of 50 000 RIS.

A dedicated webpage tracking all reward stages is live at (SEI Tracker).

REWARD TWO - 100 000 RIS

Reward Two having an allocation of 100 000 RIS is designed for the first 10 Novatores to build their community circle to 100 NEMs, each of the 10 ecosystem member will have a reward of 10 000 RIS.

A dedicated webpage tracking all reward stages is live at (SEI Tracker).


Reward Three is deisgned to reward a total of 100 ecosystem members who led the process of being the first Novatores to build their community to 100 NEMs each, a total of 5 000 RIS will be rewarded to the each of the Novatore in this category.

The Reward three category will be active after the reward two stage. Dedicated tracking page tracks the first ecosystem to meet up with the requirements and record them in the system.

REWARD FOUR - 1 000 000 RIS

Reward four takes the special reward system to a wider Novatores number with a design to reward a total of 1000 Novatores in the Ristic Ecosystem. a total of first 1000 Novatores to build their community circle to 100 NEMs each will qualify for 1000 RIS.

The Reward Four Stage will be active after the success of the Reward three special reward system.

REWARD FIVE - 5 000 000 RIS

A total of 5 000 000 RIS alloted for 10 000 Novatores as special reward for building their community circle to up to 100 NEMs during the Ecosystem Building of the RIstic Ecosystem.

A total of 500 RIS will be rewarded to each of the Novatores who qualified for reward stage five.


Join the Unofficial Launch and build your community circle to earn RIS and qualify for Special Ecosystem Incentives Reward